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The Use Of 100% Polyester Fabric

  polyester. This manufacture is less common than woven natural fibers such as cotton or wool. Although polyester is made from man-made polymers, polyester offers many benefits to the wearer. Yarn on polyester tends to resist mold and mildew growth. This is especially beneficial for those who live in tropical countries with high humidity and humidity. Polyester is also easy to wash, and quick-drying, and the yarn resists abrasion. But this manufacture must be handled with care as it is very flammable.

  This synthetic fiber can also be blended with natural fibers such as cotton. This will help maintain the longevity of the manufacturer as it is the best of both worlds. Compared to plant fibers, these yarns or fibers sewn into garments are more resistant to wind and environmental conditions when mixed.

  Hold the polyester fabric with both hands and fold it, you will find that the shape of the fabric stays the same, it does not wrinkle as quickly as cotton does, and with a gentle pull, the fiber is stronger - meaning it is less prone to damage after use Wash or dry several times. This makes polyester an excellent choice for outdoor clothing.

  The 100% polyester fabric is super light and smooth on the surface and soft and warm on the inside, capable of being "woven" into any shape or texture of polyester. 100% polyester can be used for jackets, hoodies, shorts, t-shirts, and anything you can think of.

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